8 Days
5-12 March 2025
max. 4 participants
Group Size
Cabin, Mountain Lodge

Join the adventure on a dog sled trip along the King’s trail to the gate of Sarek National Park.
A classic route with stunning views and overnight stays in comfortable mountain huts. Start and finish at Saltoluokta Mountain Station, dating back to the early 20th century.

This dog sled trip is one of the more comfortable mountain tours in our range of dog sledding adventures since all nights are spent in cabins, and there is no camping on this tour. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s like Disney World where you just slide along behind a dog sled. No, this is still a real adventure where nature and the weather forces control our days. You will learn to handle and drive your own team of sled dogs, the huts we stay in are without electricity and running water and everyone helps with all the chores.
We travel in an area of wild and beautiful nature and travel close to the border of Sarek National Park which is a part of the Laponia World heritage. Sarek is often called Europe’s last wilderness. Here are the high mountain ranges and deep valleys, but also the old mountain virgin forests that have never been affected by modern forestry.
There is a living Sami culture in the area, and there have been reindeer husbandry for a very long time. Later, some settlers also settled down in places like Aktse, Björkudden and Kvikkjokk.


The tour starts and ends in Saltoluokta

» How to get here


Experienced wilderness guide
One dog team per person
Warm jacket, pants, warm shoes, hat, gloves
Sleeping bag and equipment for the tour
Fullboard from breakfast day 1 until breakfast day 8 (Typical Lapland and Swedish food)
Accommodation, 2 nights at Saltoluokta mountain station (bed in group room), 5 nights in wilderness cabins


Travel as well as transfer to and from Saltoluokta Mountain Lodge
Travel insurance
Alcoholic beverages
Note: This tour starts and ends in Saltoluokta.


● Single room at Saltoluokta first and last night 1 100 kr
● Private double room at Saltoluokta first and last night 900 kr



BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

»What it takes to join this adventure

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Note! We will manually review the booking and confirm availability within the shortest possible time after receiving your order. Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied.

»Terms and conditions


Day 1 - Saltoluokta Mountain station, the beginning of our adventure

We all meet in Saltoluokta’s reputable restaurant and enjoy a nice dinner.
Saltoluokta was built over 100 years ago by the Swedish Tourist Association. The timbered main building, built in 1918, has the old charm intact with fireplaces, light bulbs and candlelight’s in the restaurant.
After dinner we check the equipment and you will get your clothes and warm boots.
If you arrive early in the day, we have snow shoes that you can borrow if you wish to explore the surroundings.

Day 2 - Autsvagge, the glen above the tree line

After breakfast you will make acquaintance with the dogs, all Siberian Huskies and with different personalities. We give you instructions about the equipment and how to drive and handle a dog team. We start out south along the King’s Trail with a steep climb up from the valley of river Stora Luleälven. Pretty soon we will reach the timber line and most of the day we will travel in tundra-like terrain over the bare mountain. We will find a suitable place for lunch. The destination for the day is the beautifully located Sitojaure mountain cabin.

Day 3 - The gate of Sarek National Park

Today’s stage goes from the Sitojaure cabin to the mountain hut in Aktse.
The first part goes slightly downhill along the river Sitoälven’s valley. At first the marked winter trail mostly goes over frozen lakes and through mountain birch forest. Gradually, the forest passes to consist of windblown spruce and finally resilient old pine trees. Like all days we have an outdoor lunch. Aktse is an old mountain homestead where settlers and hunters lived since ancient times. Here we will see the famous “Gate of Sarek, Europe’s Last Wilderness”.

Day 4 - Rittakvalley, the land of the old trees

Our journey continues south along the well-known King’s Trail. The trail goes mostly over lakes and mires, but also through old mountain forests with ancient spruce and pine forests. All the time with the mountains in our immediate vicinity.
In the afternoon we reach the Pårte cabin located on a beautiful little peninsula that stands out into one of the lakes called Tatasjöarna. The valley Rittakdalen has true wilderness character with its old forests and mountains that rise around it.

Day 5 - North back towards Aktse

In Pårte we turn our dog teams and starting our journey back north. The journey goes back through forests and over lakes. If there is good weather and visibility when we cross the lake Laidaure, we will see one of the most famous views in the Swedish mountain range, the mouth of the Rapadalen valley in Sarek National Park.
Today’s destination is the hut in Aktse where we will spend our night.

Day 6 - Aktse-Njunjes, the high path

Along a long uphill we drive up through the old pine forest. The climb is steep and strenuous but soon we reach the tree-line and the reward is a miles wide panoramic view. Depending on the weather, snow and the groups wishes we can run a detour west along the lake Sitojaure. In bad weather we drive around the mountain ridge, avoiding the weather exposed mountain pass we otherwise would have passed over. We spend another night in Sitojaure Mountain cabin.

Day 7 - Saltoluokta, the beginning and end of our journey

The huskies which now have become your true friends take us through Autsvagge or up over Ultevis white wide open spaces. Protective trees don’t exist in this tundra like landscape and some days it can be very exposed to the weather.
We steer our dog teams back towards Saltoluokta Mountain Lodge, where a hot sauna, shower and dinner in the restaurant awaits us.

Day 8 - Departure day

Breakfast and then departure from Saltoluokta.
If you’re not leaving until the afternoon we do have snowshoes for you to borrow.


Tours in the mountains are sensitive for the current weather conditions which means that we sometimes cannot travel the planned route. We try to follow our planed route but have to adapt to current conditions. The route is usually discussed and changed together with the group, but the guide always has the final word.
Jokkmokkguiderna interacts with the reindeer herding Sami’s in the area and therefore the route can also be changed to minimize disturbance to the reindeers and the traditions that have existed here for generations.

For who?

A certain level of fitness is required.
READ THIS BEFORE YOU BOOK: »What it takes to join this adventure

Minimum age is 18 years old in company by an adult.

No previous dog sledding experience is required, but you must like animals and feel empathy for them.

Tour conditions:

In wilderness cabins we sleep on bunk beds in mixed room with both men’s and women’s. The wilderness cabins are heated with wood/gas and have no electricity or running water. Dry toilets are available at the cabins.


The tour starts and ends in Saltoluokta
We all meet for dinner in the restaurant at Saltoluokta Mountain Station at 17:30 on the arrival day.

» How to get here

5 – 12 March 2025

Group size: Max 4 participants

BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

»What it takes to join this adventure

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Note! We will manually review the booking and confirm availability within the shortest possible time after receiving your order. Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied.

»Terms and conditions

» Booking form not visible? Click here!
Skierfe cliff gate of Sarek National park. Husky teams on the dog sled trip Gate to Sarek National Park.
true happines to drive dog sled in the mountains. With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park
Wood stove gives us comforting warmth on the dog sled trip: With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Winter trails trail crosses red X at the top. Picture from the dog sled trip: With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Sled dog teams in snowstorm, picture from the dog sled trip: With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park
Reindeers on the bare mountain, picture from the dog sled trip :With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Mountain top Slugga Kings Trail on the dog sled trip: With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Sitojaure mountain cabin along the Kings Trail south of Saltoluokta on the dog sled trip: With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park
Mountain map reading candle light. Dog sled trip to the Gate of Sarek National Park
Towering mountain peaks over virgin forest on the dog sled trip With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park
Mighty view along the King's trail on the dog sled trip With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Dog teams in Ávtsusjvágge Autsvagge along the King's trail south of Saltoluokta on the dog sled trip to the gate of Sarek National Park.
Siberian jay, Perisoreus infaustus. The picture is from the dog sled trip called With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park
Dog sleds and northern lights in the Swedish mountains in April on the dog sled trip to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Siberian husky, sled dog on the mountain dog sled trip called With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Pårte mountain cabin winter airphoto Sjaptjakjaure along the King´s trail. Dog sled trip to the Gate of Sarek National Park.
Skierfe cliff gate of Sarek National park. Husky teams on the dog sled trip Gate to Sarek National Park.
The dog teams take a short break during the dog sled trip called With dog sled to the Gate of Sarek National Park

Tour Reviews

18 April, 2018

AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE! (review fr TripAdvisor)
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I booked the week long dog sledding trip, as I hadn’t driven a dog sled or been to Lapland before. It turned out to be the best experience ever. Matti was a terrific guide and seemed to know everyone we met on our journey. The cabins where we stayed were clean, well kept and comfortable, even though there was no electricity, running water or flush toilets. The meals Matti made for us were delicious. The dogs were so friendly and great companions who were happy to pull the sleds. I can’t even explain how beautiful the scenery was. An added bonus was seeing the northern lights on three evenings. I will definitely do this again next year. /Susan, USA

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